Open Source Lab (also known as OSL ) is a community of passionate college students, who have come together for the cause of promoting and contributing to Free and Open Source.
Built with Gatsby and hosted with Netlify
This website was created by the community of OSL VVCE and is run 100% by the community.We want to turn this project into a resource for the community and a place to gather all of our open source initiatives (see below).
Anybody! Think of this as a playground where no matter what your skill level, you can contribute.If this is your first time contributing to open source to this project and nobody is going to yell at you if you make a mistake :)
OSL Website
General introduction to OSL, nothing special just some static information.
Tells about OSL, Who we are, What we do, What we have achieved etc.
Lists down all the members dynamically based on a mdx file.
All the blogs written by OSL members using markdown are generated using slugs.
Contact information such as email, linkedin, github etc.
Tech: HTML initially, but up to the community
Theme: Light and Elegant
Try to contribute to Gatsby.js this Hacktoberfest!
Happy coding!